Change your Email Address password to keep your account secure.
Reminder New Password Policy
Minimum password length of at least 8 characters
Complexity requirements to include a mix of:
- Upper or lowercase letters (A through Z and a through z)
- Numeric characters (0–9)
- Non-alphanumeric characters like $, # or %
- No more than two symbols from the user’s account name or display name
Example: Steelers1!
The new password must be kept for at least a day, must be reset at least once every 90 days, and must not be one of the previous 5 passwords used.
Sign in to with your SBS Email account.
Go to Account>View Account by clicking your picture or initials in the top right corner of the screen.
- Select Password from the lefthand pane.
Enter your old password.
Create a new password and confirm it.
Select Submit to finish and change your password.
1. Sign in to with your SBS Email account.
2. Go to Account>View Account by clicking your picture or initials in the top right corner of the screen.
3. Select Password from the lefthand pane.
4. Enter your old password. Create a new password and confirm it. Select Submit to finish and change your password.